Since I haven't really updated about my family lately, I figured now is a good time while I wait for daycare to arrive.
There are a few changes in Emma's treatment lately. Yesterday I had to take the day off to go to a "teaching" of her new medication. A weekly shot of Humira into her leg/stomach area. Needless to say that she is not happy about it. Yesterday she got her first dose, unexpectedly, and was hysterical. She is home today from school, due to side effects that kept her awake most of the night. Or so she claims. I am pretty sure she is faking. Our friends from Pennsylvania are in town this week and I am thinking Emma is wanting to spend the day with her friend, K. Since K is already here this morning, I am gonna guess I am right :)
Logan is doing phenomenal at school. With all her challenges and special classes, I will admit that I didn't expect her to succeed quite as much as she has. I thought she would coast through on the borderline like she usually has. She got a 99% on her big science project and made the honor roll all year! We are celebrating by taking her and a friend, plus the rest of the family, to Funtown next month!
Guess who taught himself to ride a 2 wheel bike in 1 day? THOMAS!!! He got sick of using his training wheels when all the rest of his friends were riding 2 wheelers. So last week he asked me to take them off and has been zipping around without them ever since! With the nice weather here lately, we have been riding bikes every night. Even made it to the bike path the other night and we made it the whole way!!
I am so proud of him. He reminds me of me so much. Its all or nothing with him and once he sets his mind on something, it doesn't stop until its done.
The other thing going on with Thomas is his skin condition. I noticed a patch of raised skin on his neck last week and spotted the same on both his elbows 2 days ago. I was pretty sure I knew what it was but needed the pediatrician to examine and diagnosis herself. Sure enough, he has psoriasis. Very dissappointing. Of course, I have played it off as it is nothing to him but I am worried with it being so high on his neck that it will travel to his face. Anyone who has psoriasis or knows someone who has it, understands how humiliating and uncomfortable it can be. I pray it doesn't flare too bad and stays off his face and other clearly visible area.
Sam the man is still just a going. He says a few words now like: Woah, uh-oh, no, whats that. Can't get the little bugger to say momma, for the life of me. He is running full force now, everywhere. He is still just a little mite and still is wearing his pants that are 6months in size..I joke you not. Out of all my children, I have the feeling he is the one that will keep me on my toes the most. He is fearless and a little monkey. He is constantly climbing on anything he can and has more bumps and bruises than I can count.
As for Mark and I, things are okay. Financially we struggle, like everyone else but are managing. We are in the process of getting some debt help/relief...keep your fingers crossed for us. After that process is done, we are hoping to get a construction loan to build on our land.
As I stated before, our friends from Pa. are in town. Its nice to see them. You never know how much needed friendship is in your life until you see your dearest friend after a long absence. Its nice to pick up where you left off and its as if she never left. Sure we are completly different and things have changed between us, but in a good way. I am in the hopes to find a sitter and go out to dinner, as they suggested, this week before the head home.
As Karen suggested, I will try to get some pics of all of us up sometime this week! Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
General update on us :)
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7:21 AM
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Thanks for the update! I hope Emma will start to get use to the shots.
I'm glad Logan did well at school this past year. What a big boy of Thomas to teach himself how to ride without training wheels!!
Good luck keeping up with Sam!!! I hope whatever help you are trying to get financially pans out for the two of you.
Hope you get to go out to dinner with your friends this week!!! You need some adult time.
people have noticed your absence but, I haven't heard negatives. Glad to get the family update and hope you guys have a great Summer! It's just starting for you guys.
Good to read the update, Heather! I really miss you and it is good to hear what it going on with you and your lovely family. I hope you have a great time with your best friend!! Miss you.
Thanks for the update!
Always great to hear about your family.
Yes it is. :)
woohoo, congrats to Thomas on riding his bike! that's awesome! hope you're off to a great day!!
Heather I love reading about you guys!! Wow, Sam has really gotten busy since the last time I talked to you!!
I am sorry to hear about the shots with Emma. I can't imagine how difficult that would be as a mom having to give them to her.
YAY for Thomas and Logan. They both seem to be doing great!!
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