Saturday, September 13, 2008

Pics from today with ole Blue :)

Here are some snapshots I took today while out on the boat. A fellow lobsterman caught "Ole Blue" in his trap just up the bay the other day and left him in a crate for the kids to look at. Truly a beautiful yet rare occurence to have caught a blue lobster. The photos don't do it justice. It was gorgeous. Oh, and the lobsterman will be not be selling Ole Blue, she will be returning to the ocean :)


Melanie said...

that's awesome! I've never seen a blue lobster before...really cool

Melanie said...
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Susan G. said...

I have never seen anything like that, neat !I will have to show Tyler & Jacob when they get home ! Cute photos of the boys..Sam looks like a little man.

Karen Coutu said...

That is so cool! I didn't even know there was such a thing.

I can't believe how big Sam is now!!

Love your new blog background, but it's driving me nuts that the text is running into the design. Do you have your template set to Minima?

Karen of the MomDot Street Team

Heather said...

I have no idea why it is doing that Karen. I followed the instructions to a T.

Aimee Ashley Myers said...

That is so cool. It is beautiful! Sam is getting so big! Looks like he had a great time. I like your new layout, too. I love the plaid!


Great shots! I love the new look here, too..

Oh and Sammy's new haircut, down below, is TOO CUTE!!

Hope this finds you well, H.