Friday, April 18, 2008

70 degrees in Maine in April!!!!!!!!

How could I resist not spending the day at the playground?!


Anonymous said...

I KNOW!!! It was like summer today in Michigan. My kids actually wore shorts!! Love the playground pics. :)

Karen Coutu said...

Hehe, I had to leave and change my name because the poster above me had the same username. Aren't I a loon?

Well, now I'm back and want to say that your youngest is as cute as ever!!! Is he walking yet? We need more frequent updates!!

Melanie said...

he looks like he's getting around really well! how wonderful, a beautiful spring day. I'll trade the 70 for the 90 here..hehe

Susan G. said...

Such cuties... well now I know why you did not answer the phone LOL, BTW I think Bryce has the same outfit as Sam.

Unknown said...

I love thos epictures!! Sam is such a cutie