Saturday, March 1, 2008


Is it normal to have them? If so, how many would you have to have to be considered abnormal?
I was thinking today, while watching my 7 year old freak out because he got his sweater and longjohn shirt stuck, halfway off his head. Maybe, just maybe, he has inherited my intense claustrophobia.

As a kid, I was scared of everything. The dark, small spaces, bugs, dogs, dirt. I think it was part of an escape mentality I had to help me cope with my unhappiness. As I have gotten older, things have gotten better, somewhat. My childhood phobias have been replaced by more adult phobias.
I still don't care for the dark or small places but I can cope with them, when I need to. I don't panic instantly or cry.
My top 3 phobias are as follows:

Spiders- any and all. No matter what size or color, they are all evil. I hear people keep them as pets. I only like to see spiders in my home if they are on the bottom of M's shoe and smooshed. Someone once told me that the average person eats 5 spiders in their lifetime while sleeping. I think that statement says it all.

The dark- I have had this phobia for as long as I can remember. I have outgrown the thought of monsters hiding in the dark, waiting for me. But I prefer to keep a nightlight on, which I do.

Elevators, small cars, tiny areas- again, had this phobia forever. Not sure why I feel this way but I won't put myself in a situation where I have to take an elevator or ride in the back seat of a small 2 door car. I will sweat and panic to the point of hyperventilating. Its not a pretty sight.


Melanie said...

I'm sure some degree of fear is natural. Cameron, my step son is the phobia king. He didn't potty train fully until four because he was afraid of the toilet, he's afraid of water(took a long time to get him used to bathing), he's afraid of a lot. I think as you get older, you are able to rationalize more or less. hugs.

Anonymous said...

Um...yep. I.don' Really, I think that's my only phobia. But it's a big one.