Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I can't take bulling anymore

Someone I love, in my family, has been being bullied for a while. I tried to stay out of it but after the last round of insults and being called gross and numerous other things, that she does not deserve. I fired back and man did it feel good!

Noone should be blamed for their parents mistakes or life choices. Things that happened as we were children and before you knew any of those involved, are none of your damn business. And here I thought you were a good Christian woman. Guess you got mistaken with a judgemental bitch.

Oh, and sorry for all the journalish/emotional blogs lately but this is what my blog is for, for me. A place to vent at times.

1 comment:

Mandy (ZenMonkeyMind) said...

That's one great thing about blogs, you have somewhere to vent.

Great you stood up for your family member! I hate that there are so many mean people in this world.