Friday, February 1, 2008


One of my biggest flaws is addiction. Not alcohol or drug or even gambling addiction. I get addicted to smaller, less harmful things, like food, or lack there of.

I get so easily and quickly addicted to things that I enjoy or that are made known to me. Take for instance the show LOST. I never watched it the first season that it was on but M and I caught reruns of the first season during the hiatus before the second season started and we were both captivated. I ran out and bought the whole first season so we could watch it on our time. I couldn't watch or think of any other show. My thoughts during the day ran into theories of the island and the survivors.
After the long recent hiatus, I thought my addiction was over...then LOST returned last night and already, my mind is running through all the what ifs, who dunnit, what the hell was that thing?
*sigh* and I hear that the series finale isn't until 2010!

I hope my LOST addiction doesn't interfer with my Rock of Love2 showtimes. (I won't tell you all about the insane dream I had revolving around Brett Micheals last night)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

HA! I LOVE/HATE LOST! I also got my wife addicted during season two. You've gotta admit.. there's nothing else like it! I love a show that always keeps me guessing. I've NEVER been able to predict ANYTHING on this show! Yup, LOST is awesome!