Friday, December 21, 2007

Its that time of year again

Logan's MRI was scheduled today. She has them twice a year as a prevenative I guess you could say. She also is due for alot of blood work and a bone age scan. Last time we checked her bone age, her bones were aging more rapidly than she was. :(

Please keep your fingers crossed for my little girl that everything is normal and she is still cancer free!


J said...

I hope that everything is okay with Logan. Keep us posted.

Heather said...

Lol at Adam Brown. Dude, I have no idea who you are and I certainly don't need an abs diet.

Melanie said...

I don't believe in luck Heather ;) so I'll keep miss Logan in my you!

Secret Agent Mama said...

Hope it all went well, H!

Anonymous said...

I will say some prayers!!