Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Am I the only one technologically challenged? I am making my blog rounds, checking out everyones new posts. I am the only one without a pretty holiday background!
And, only because I don't know how to change it or where to find one. I am usually an over achiever, by nature, and I hate not knowing how to do things.


Kitty said...

Let me help!

Go to this site

Pick out a layout by clicking on it and copy & paste the layout code into the "Template > Edit HTML" section of your profile.

(Go to your blog,click on customize at the top then click on edit html tab at the top and copy and paste it in there)

If you have any questions just ask k?

Heather said...

Thanks Kitty! I will check it out later today! ;)

Melanie said...

hey, don't feel bad. I changed mine only to lose all the previous settings..grr. I suck a lot at this stuff

J said...

I wouldn't call myself technologically challenged and I had a hell of time changing mine. I dread Christmas being over and me having to change it again. Like Melanie, I lost all my settings. Boo!