Saturday, November 3, 2007

Sweet essence of babies

Today, I am feeling overwhelmed for the love of my family. Today is just an ordinary day, nothing special has happened. My kids haven't done extra chores or been all lovey dovey to each other to make me feel this way. Quite the contrary, the middle two have been in, lets see who can yell at each other the loudest, match for most of the day. This includes the round of boxing they got into at Wal-mart over who was going to push Sam's stroller.

My oldest daughter is zoned out on myspace. I had to ask her 3 times to get off the computer and come take Sam into the other room so I can vaccum, cause the sound scares him. Anytime I talk to her lately, she seems like she is just answering me to humor herself. Teenagers!

The weather is dreery, for most. We have a huge wind storm coming in, leaves are being kicked up and thrown all over the yard. It is raining quite heavily outside as well. Just the type of fall weather I love. It makes me reflect on things, although I am not sure why.

I have always loved the fall season, it is my favorite time of year. Everything about fall reminds me of family. Thanksgiving, abundant family birthdays, including my own, hehe. Halloween, apple picking, yard work that we do as a family.
Anyone that reads my blog, I would like to entice to take a moment, admist the chaos that is called family, and really think about how lucky you are to have each other.


Stephenie said...

It's sad that a blog entry like this is what is needed for some people to actually look into their love of their family. It opened my eyes though. It seems like you get so used to the day to day things that you just forget about the feelings! I love the fall weather. Heather, you would love it where I live. Rainy, blustery days, are common. Bright vivid colors are seen every where, the fall leaves and colors stand out so well. You are blessed to have your family, even though they have pushing matches, and times when they are a typical teenager. They love you and are so lucky to have you as a mom!


You know, you are absolutely right, Heather! Great realization and great blog post...

Next time you come to my blog leave your link so others can visit!

J said...

It's funny because I just wrote a similar post. Family is great!