What was I thinking? That I would be able to do most, if not all of my holiday shopping early and online and that would be that?! I was so giddy that I would not have to fight all the crowds for the seasons must have toy or electronic. I could sit in the privacy of my home and mull over everything there was to buy and do it on my schedule, no long lines, no running from store to store in the cold. Easy, right?
Wal-mart didn't want me to have it so easy. Not only have they took my 1 order, that I had shipped to the store so to save me some money, and shipped almost every piece seperate so I am having to run to the store nightly to pick up items that have come in, but noone is ever there to assist me and I spend a good half hour waiting for an associate to come help me.
Tonight, I go over, with my 7 year old. Find a note in the site-to-store area telling me to to go crafts for assistance, which I go to, only to find a note saying to go to electronics for assistance. I head there, the electronics worker pages someone to crafts, which is what the note said to do. My boy and me head to crafts to wait for someone, 10 minutes later, noone is there so we head over to the site to store section, hoping someone is there.
There is another customer there, waiting with her kids. She gets her item pulled from out back but noone back there is able to check her out so you guessed it, they page someone. Fast forward 20 more minutes. Finally, it is my turn! Yay!
I am picking up 4 items, I thought. One big box, my sons carseat, and one little box which I assume has 3 items in it. The lady opens it up and tells me there are only 2 items in the box, not a big deal, I guess only 2 were in. I wait for them to finish up and I leave. Get home and the slip says that I picked up 4 items, not 3. Clearly, I only picked up 3 items, the fourth, a movie, was not in the box. So I am peeved. I call Wal-mart and of course noone knows what to do about it and the last thing I want is to go over there tomorrow and have to sit around with the baby for an hour while they figure it out so I am thinking if I call and alert them, than I can just run in tomorrow and pick up the missing item, the movie, or they can tack it on to the rest of my order when it comes in.
After 3 transfers on the phone, and one hang-up, numerous minutes, they know nothing. They are suppose to be calling me back soon or tomorrow. Great. Why can't anything be easy?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Super Wal-mart makes me super mad!
Brought to you by
8:53 PM
Labels: crabbyness, shopping
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Ugh. Walmart is the worst place to shop, I swear. Terrible customer service and lines so long it's impossible to not be in there for an hour or more. Maybe it would be worth the few extra bucks to have it shipped to you.
What kind of Customer Service is that? Just horrible. I hope you get all that you are supposed too, and soon!
Yep Walsmart is not so smart.Their lines and customer service are ridiculous and it seems to get worse and worse.I hate that when after you wait in the line get all your stuff you have to go back because they messed up.That stinks.
After being humiliated in the Deli about a month ago, when I asked why there were 8 people behind the counter and only one actually helping people. God forbid you call people on their shit. Anyway, no more Walmart for me! YAY! We have a Shaw's right near Walfart, and Shaw's is always calmer.
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