Saturday, November 10, 2007


I am becoming a photo-holic! As much of one as I can be considering I have the crappiest camera on the planet. I use my daughters whenever I can.

I would really like for Santa to bring me a nice Nokia camera. I hear those are the best. You can buy additional lenses for them and they have a quick shutter speed. I am curious to hear what everyone uses for a camera and if you have tooken any photography courses/classes?

Also, what do you all like to photograph? Besides your family? I love looking at nature photos personally.

Can't remember what the camera we have is exactly, but here is a pic I took of me, Sam, and the camera, this morning!


Amy said...

That's a great picture of you both, I almost didn't even recognize you! Think it's the first time I've ever seen you with your hair down and without a baseball hat on! ;)

Your blog is looking good, you should give me some pointers!

Stephenie said...

Love the picture of you both!

I'm using FinePix F40fd. *drool* I really love it.

I've taken a photography course (it was part of a course actually, just a section) in highschool. It was done by the photographer we had at our wedding. I learned about angles and stuff. It was alot of fun and I wouldn't mind taking another type of course.

I love to take pictures of things no one would really think to take. Weird angles, focus, etc. It's so much fun to be super out of the box creative :) Just to look at something and see how to make it weird almost lol.

Nature is the best to do it with. I love nature shots!


Love the pic, H!

I'm dying for a Nikon. A d60 or d80. Not sure yet!


Love the pic, H!

I'm dying for a Nikon. A d60 or d80. Not sure yet!