Tuesday, November 20, 2007


See the toy picture I added? They are called Littlest Pet Shops and they are the crave sweeping the nation! My daughter is on a personal hunt to own every stinking one!
Her Christmas list to Santa is filled with LPS wants. She has over 100 of the colorful little guys already. Its hard to keep track of what she does have and what she doesn't. I do have a small list of ones we haven't acquired yet. Rare or Hot ones like the one in the picture that sell out as soon as they go in stock. It is so frustrating to not be able to find the one thing(s) my kid wants for the holidays.
Tonight, I thought all that changed! I got an email from a friend stating that she found most of the rare LPS sets and sent me a link. I was so excited, I couldn't contain myself or wait til after dinner, which I usually do, to get online. I immediately brought my laptop in my room and sat down to order up a boatload of these things for my girl and my niece.
I click on the link and sure enough, there they all are. But at 6x the price! These little pets go for roughly $4.44 at local stores and on this website, they were up to $26.99 a piece! A mum of four, on a budget, can't afford that!
I think it is unfair that companies can do this. These toys aren't retired, they are still producing them. It is just their way of making more money off us consumers!


Kitty said...

I think it's wrong of companies to do that -especially for kids toys.I'm sure if you explain to your daughter that you can only afford to get one she will understand and will know how special that one you get her is!

J said...

If I knew where all my old ones were, I'd sell them to you Heather.

Heather said...

Old ones? Are these not a new toy?

Delphine said...

I can't believe those prices! It is really ashame, the only consolation is that maybe you can talk her into waiting til after Christmas for the sales and maybe unwanted ones on ebay. take care, Delphine

J said...

Nope, they aren't new. My sisters and I had a crapload of them when we were kids.


Yeah, that's just WRONG! LPS are a hot commodity here. I'm buying some for Livey and a friend's daughter who is in love with them.

Heather said...

Great idea Delphine!

Smoochiefrog said...

My daughters love those things too. I've stepped on more than I care to think.